
Failed Promise

I promised to write more and to change somethings to this site. However I have recently had severe computer problems, which did not allow me to work on this site and write more of my philosophical ideas and beliefs.

I have now found a temporary solution and hopefully this will allow me to make good on the promises of most of my last post. However this will come slowly and some things I may not be able to do.

I apologize to any and all that liked what they have read and were waiting for me. I will do my best to update this site and add more.

In Reverence, is my faith



I will be making changes to this site. I will also be adding to it on a more scheduled time frame. I know I haven't been putting much diligent focus to this site or this blog and will be doing that in the new year.

I will also be adding a blog roll when I find sites that interest me or have ideas that I think assimilate with the thoughts I present here.

Also I will be adding pictures, artwork, and documentaries that I feel are aligned to these writings.

In Reverence, is my faith